Enjoy Seamless Workflow Between Excel and Zacks Databases

If you use Microsoft Excel in your analysis, the Zacks Excel Link plug-in is a must have. It gives you access to all Zacks databases and eliminates entering data by hand. Create custom models or tear sheets with ease. Enter a ticker symbol or portfolio of stocks, click submit and your spreadsheet instantly populates with up to 30 years of historical data.

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Zacks Advisor Tools Handy Excel Ribbon

Handy Excel Ribbon and Easy-to-Use Wizards

  • Easily pull data into a single cell or create a table for multiple companies
  • Build historic time-series using relative date references, so your spreadsheet is always up-to-date
  • Create your own custom items using Zacks data Custom Expression Builder
  • Microsoft Excel 64-bit compatible

Full Access to Zacks Databases

  • Price and total return
  • Estimates and estimate revisions
  • Quarterly and annual financial statement data
  • Valuation and fundamental ratios and metrics
  • Zacks proprietary quantitative scores and ranks
  • Mutual fund, ETF, economic and composite data

Convenient Tear Sheet Library

Print a quick company overview that includes financials, ratios, performance tables and charts.

Zacks Advisor Tools Convenient Tear Sheet Library
Zacks Advisor Tools Support

Outstanding US-Based Support

Our customer support team works with you to create custom spreadsheets designed to meet your specific needs.

Activate the Zacks Excel Link Plug-In to Use It During Your ZAT Trial

Zacks Excel Link integrates seamlessly with Zacks Advisor Tools. To make it part of your ZAT trial, call us at 888-691-0681 or email us by clicking here. We’ll notify you when it has been added to your trial version of Zacks Advisor Tools.

* Investars Top 5 ranking for quantitative firms and major fundamental firms/buy Index for entire coverage universe 1/1/10-12/31/2015. Investars evaluates investment research firms to help investors measure the value of the firms’ research through a robust set of analytic performance measurement tools. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.